
Find all sorts of models here, from swords to guns to guns with swords!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Update- Sword Art Online!

Since I finished StormFlower, I've had to think of what my next project will be. Also, since it's still the holidays, I've had a long time to think about it. I had a few ideas, ranging from Halo to Attack on Titan. But, in the end, as you could probably guess from the title, I went with a sword from an anime called Sword Art Online. To be specific, the Elucidator.

The best way to make it would be to make 3 parts; the blade (red), the hilt (orange), and a vertical connector piece (green) and stick them together..
This would be best with the materials I have, since all 3 parts, when connected, form a triangle between them, making it far stronger. Otherwise, there would be a lot of strain, and likely break when swung.

So, with a new project, comes a new challenge! This time, it's to make it look like an actual sword. By that I mean to make it look like metal, so for that I need to know how to do that. But, when I get that figured out, it'll look amazing!

For now though, you can see a professional swordsmith make the Elucidator, by clicking here. I wish I was as good as them...